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9th Max Mara Art Prize for Women: Dominique White


Residency documentary - Part One

"I feel like we know so little about the sea that it opens up this possibility for dreaming or imagining different worlds or different futures or even histories" - Dominique White

Watch the full episode on the Collezione Maramotti's Youtube channel :

#DominiqueWhite, winner of the ninth edition of the #MaxMaraArtPrize for Women 2022-24 with her proposal "Deadweight", in May 2023 has begun her bespoke six-month residency in Italy, organised by #CollezioneMaramotti.

The prize, a longstanding initiative and collaboration between Max Mara, Whitechapel Gallery and Collezione Maramotti, is set up to support and nurture women-identifying artists at a crucial stage in their career who have not previously had a major solo exhibition.

White, after participating in a workshop at the Pontificia Fonderia di Campane Marinelli in Agnone, one of the oldest bell foundries in the world, travelled to Palermo to deepen her knowledge of the history of the slave trade in the Mediterranean, with the support of Giovanna Fiume, Professor of Modern History at the University of Palermo.

Continue to follow Dominique White's progress on the YouTube channel and the Collezione Maramotti's website:

Film produced by @TIWI

#MMAP9 @whitechapelgallery @collezionemaramotti


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