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Last week to visit Andriu Deplazes's exhibition "Burning Green"


19 March - 29 October 2023

Andriu Deplazes, young Swiss artist based in Marseille, has presented his first solo exhibition in Italy at the Pattern Room of the Collezione Maramotti.

Within an articulation of space specially designed for the exhibition, Deplazes filled the gallery with more than thirty works that have grown out of a meditation on family relationships and on the natural and anthropized environment. The green in question could be an allusion to the landscape, to the environmental crisis and to the aggressive exploitation of resources, but also to the military themes that turn up in some of the new works, or the traces of fluorescent colour often used by this artist.

Further info here. 📆 The exhibition will be open until 29 October 2023 📸 Andriu Deplazes, "Burning Green", exhibition view, Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, ph. Roberto Marossi #AndriuDeplazes #CollezioneMaramotti


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