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#westayathome with Collezione Maramotti


Different ways to stay connected

In these challenging times, we believe that art can keep us connected, nurture our curiosity, help us ponder and reimagine our present and future. Collezione Maramotti is closed to the public right now, but still active online, sharing images, stories, and so much more about the artists and projects we have presented over the years. Our Instagram and Facebook pages are constantly being updated, and lately we’ve been posting: * #paroledartista: brief readings where artists talk about their works and themselves * a journey through the exhibitions that the Collezione Maramotti has organized since 2008 in conjunction with the Fotografia Europea festival, which unfortunately has been suspended this year Our YouTube channel features many interviews with our artists, and their conversations with interns from the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The Collezione Maramotti website is full of images, videos, and written material. Please check out the special contents at the bottom of every exhibition or project page. Enjoy your digital tour, and we hope to reopen soon with Svenja Deininger's exhibition Two Thoughts.   The opening of the exhibition Mollino/Insides will be rescheduled as soon as the health crisis permits. We send you our warmest wishes, with a special gift from the visionary arts workshop Atelier dell'Errore The AntiVirus for CoronaVirus (AVCV01) is an extraordinary medicinal image that the Atelier’s young artists have created as protection against the many fears, heartaches, and physical and mental quarantines of these times.  To keep it at arm’s reach, the kids from the Atelier have set it as the wallpaper on their phones, which is currently the recommended mode of usage. But for all necessary indications, please refer to the patient information leaflet: In addition, you are all invited to make your own “Self-Portraits with Antivirus” and join the series. Please send it to: to help create an expanded, long-distance collective work. Or post it on your social networks with the hashtags #AVCV01  #atelierdellerrore

See you soon!

21 visualizzazioni


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