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ARTPOD - ascolti d'arte

New podcast in collaboration with Doppiozero

Collezione Maramotti is pleased to announce the continuation of the Artpod – Ascolti d’Arte project, a joint initiative launched in 2021 with the cultural journal Doppiozero. This podcast series offers a multifaceted look at the works in our permanent collection through the words of Doppiozero writers, read by actors from Ravenna’s Teatro delle Albe company. Every Thursday from today to 14 April, a new episode − 8 in all − will be published on Collezione Maramotti's Spotify profile and on the Doppiozero website: a dialogue between literature and the visual arts, to discover works from Collezione Maramotti and expand our vision of them through the spoken word. The 2022 series begins with the work Amalassunta 1 by Osvaldo Licini, explored through the eyes of essayist and radio host Gabriella Caramore: A white moon that seems moulded out of plaster – similar to the pale, uncertain substance that we would see, twenty years later, in images from the first moon landing – but which here still preserves the enchanted allusiveness of unviolated mystery. Artpod – Ascolti d’Arte will continue in the weeks that follow with pieces by art critics Stefano Chiodi and Elio Grazioli, writer Luigi Grazioli, actor and playwright Chiara Lagani, theatre critic Massimo Marino, novelist Melania Mazzucco and essayist Mauro Portello. Keep following Collezione Maramotti's channels: an event in the spring will make the Artpod project even more special. Enjoy the podcast! #artpodascoltidarte #soundon


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