Residency documentary - Part Three
"The kind of stillness that Todi offers is quite unexpected for someone with such a busy mind, who always needs access to activities. This stillness has changed something in me." - Dominique White
Watch the full video on Collezione Maramotti’s Youtube channel:
And… that’s a wrap! The last six months have seen artist #DominiqueWhite journey across Italy on an intensive residency tailored to support the development of her new body of work, "Deadweight". Conceived as a series of sculptural installations, the work builds on White’s interest in creating new worlds for "Blackness", her belief in the concept of the "ship" as both object and symbol and her fascination with the symbolic and regenerative power of the sea.
From Agnone to Palermo, Genoa, Milan and finally, Todi, the artist has researched nautical archives, received mentoring from specialists in Mediterranean naval history and structural engineering, and deepened her technical skills by working with artisans and metalworkers in historic and contemporary foundries and workshops.
The residency, organised by #CollezioneMaramotti, is awarded to the winner of the #MaxMaraArtPrize for Women and tailored to suit their winning proposal. "Deadweight" by Dominique White, the 9th winner of the prize, will be exhibited in a solo exhibition at Whitechapel Gallery in 2024 before touring to Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, Italy in October 2024.
Find out more about the artist and the Prize on the YouTube channel and the Collezione Maramotti's website:
Film produced by @TIWI
#MMAP9 @whitechapelgallery @collezionemaramotti @metalserbatoi