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Tonight at 8.55pm (reply at midnight), in occasion of #GiornataNazionaledellaDanza, the Première on Rai5


FIRST (VIDEO)PERFORMANCE: APRIL 29, 2020 INTERNATIONAL DANCE DAY – RAI 5 With the support of #CollezioneMaramotti 

1 meter CLOSER is a choreographic creation for video inspired by the present day that we are living today. It is a difficult worldwide moment that is forcing us to face a new form of sensibility and creativity. The concept of 1 meter CLOSER is based on this.

The title clearly refers to the safety distance that we have to keep from people like ourselves who are human beings, or rather citizens of the world. This safety distance is what guarantees us a closer relationship in a collective goal. We are therefore talking about a new emotional experience that builds a connection determined by a physical/geographic distance, but a strong closeness in our desire to feel joined in overcoming and fighting an invisible enemy.

Nothing better than the body of the dancers locked in their homes can tell us what we are living and how this distance can turn into a bridge that joins us, where the private place turns into a common horizon changing its value and where every difference is combined in the sharing of a moment of virtual embrace. An embrace of a relationship at a distance, but with a global force. The strength of the body of the dance in captivity that is presented to its audience through the screen in a succession of moving images“.

Diego Tortelli

18 visualizzazioni


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